Mừng Xuân / Celebrating Tet (Lunar New Year)!

Mừng Đảng / Celebrating the Communist Party!

                          -- slogan on banners hung in the streets from Saigon to Hanoi


Miss Saigon II


Việt kiều, "overseas Vietnamese," she is called.

In her eyes, she sees the unrecognizable place

Evergreen -- the rice paddies, a man with his plowing buffalo

Turning to the cities, the business buildings, villas, hotels;

Nothing much is owned by the ordinary people

A painful time, followed the fall of Saigon,

Millions of South Vietnamese were pushed to the "new economic zones"

They left their beloved houses to the victors --

Of them, they are the "prize-winning" communist party members,

Depriving the Vietnamese of their human rights *

A new era, Communism has been born

Yesterday he was a Viet Cong, today he is the master of Miss Saigon...


Linh Duy Vo

On the first trip home

Tết, February 2006 ©



Gratitude for Our Love



© Copyright by Linh Duy Vo.  All rights reserved.