The General Homer Smith Prize

Honoring a U.S. citizen's distinguished contribution which makes one proud to be an American


A Vietnamese’s Schindler

      (To Louis Schuster my eternal gratitude)


Saigon, April 1975.

The helicopters kept flying from the roof.

Somewhere in the city

There was an American, a guardian angel

He kept making up the names

Each stroke he penned, each life he saved

He put my name on his list

My unforgettable American Schindler.

Now I write.

Now I live.

Linh Duy Vo

On 28 April 2001, I was reunited with "Uncle" Louis Schuster at the Reunion of The Saigon Mission Association.  The above poem was read to him at the banquet.

A week later, he sent me the his cherished flags of the U.S.A. and South Vietnam.  He took them down from the DAO Headquarters at 10:00 hour, 29 April 1975.  I am deeply moved and honored to be their safekeeper.



© Copyright by Linh Duy Vo.  All rights reserved.