An American's Life A Journey


Birth    The Wingless Angel     

A Schindler   Forget Him Not   The Girl on the Roof    Operation Babylift

    Hello Oklahoma    Quiet    A Patriotic American    A Letter    A Mission    Dear One    Papa San    Goodbye my Viet Vet Daddy  A Memorial Page   35 years...   My Journals   The Oval Office   



The General Homer Smith Prize

Created by Poet Linh Duy Vo

Presented and deeded to Saigon Mission Association, April 28, 2001

Dedicated on New Millennium Memorial Day 2001

Home Sweet Home



Patriotism is... not taking America for granted.  --Linh D. Vo


Thank you Lord, for having blessed me with knowing who I am: I am a Human Being who is being for others...



 © Copyright by Linh Duy Vo and Saigon Mission Association.  All rights reserved.