Papas San... The Forest of Souls... The Wall

America’s Fourth of July  



“Only in America,” I meditate.

Enlightened, flowing inside of the tunnel of the unknown;

Unknown to me why certain corners of the world resent my U.S.A.?

Particular groups of immigrants imagine America as solely a “gold-mine” 

They come to expect to receive, to dig …. social provisions -- welfare, medicare…

But their fanatic nationals are hurting our adopted land -- September 11 --

Have I heard or seen their actions, as a sense of being protective of America?

Wonder if they perceive their naturalized citizenship as a right or privilege or blessing?


“Only in America,” echoed in my head.

Yes, our Forest of Souls, only here I “see” human generosity and charity

All foreign languages blare on TVs, radios …. telling their nationals

Where, how to apply for housings, SSI, welfare checks

Ample “legal” offices coaching for a fee

While the killings of Americans and allies take place in their motherland,

Their indifference lives on with pride in sending home regular remittance.


“Only in America,” I gratefully whisper.

Thirty-five years of having lived here, I truly feel her adopted son,

America powerfully epitomizes loving kindness, sincerity, humanity

A homeless soul is kindly treated at my workplace, Rancho Los Amigos Hospital,

No less than a Hollywood movie-star at a rich Emergency room.

Yes, Papas San, only in your home sweet home,

I am not afraid to start all over again

My life has been lived to the fullest and been so blessed.

Remember you protected me from Saigon to Camp Pendleton?

You took me in and gave me your home while you stayed back;

Thirty-five years later, I am still wearing your MIAs bracelet,

Waiting for you.

Only in America…               


Linh Duy Vo

1975 – 2010© 

                             HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY...

The writer must write what he has to say, not speak it!  --Ernest Hemingway



Goodbye My Love





© Copyright by Linh Duy Vo.  All rights reserved.